
Armenia is a typical mountainous country, where the landscapes and ecosystems form a complex multi-functional system. In general, ecosystems of Armenia are characterized by a number of peculiarities, which all together contribute to formation of rich and unique biodiversity.
Typical conditions contributed to formation of high diversity of habitats of flora and fauna species and as a consequence the presence of unique communities, high level of endemism as well as rich agrobiodiversity. The abundance of species composition of biodiversity in Armenia is conditioned also by the fact that Armenia as a part of the Armenian Highland is located in the intersection of important provinces of formation of flora and fauna of the region as well as is a crossroad of migration routes of birds. In the result, on the small territory of the country (about 30 thousand km2) there are about 549 species of vertebrates and about 17200 species of invertebrates. The biodiversity of Armenia is notable for high endemism: about 500 species of fauna (about 3% of the fauna) and 144 species of flora (3.8% of total flora) are considered endemics. In the country all main natural ecosystems of the Caucasus are presented except moist subtropical ecosystems.
Fauna of Armenia the vertebrates are represented by 549 species, including 93 mammals, 357 birds, 53 reptiles, 7 amphibians and 39 fish species. In Armenia the smallest terrestrial mammal Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus) has been identified. Insects (Insecta) make 90% of invertebrates. Some of the most interesting species in Armenia are brown bear, wolf, golden jackal, Armenian mouflon, bezoar goat and mysterious Caucasian leopard.
Nestling in the snow-capped Caucasian Mountains and overlooked by Mount Ararat just over the border in Turkey, Armenia is one of Europe’s best kept birding secrets. This former Soviet Republic is home to over two-thirds of Europe’s regularly occurring bird species including many that are rare or difficult to find elsewhere. Caucasian Black Grouse and Caspian Snowcock are found in the high mountains as well as a very good selection of more widespread alpine species such as White-winged Snowfinch, Eurasian Crimson-winged Finch, Alpine Accentor and Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush. Juniper scrub below the snowline holds Radde’s Accentor, Ring Ousel and Bluethroat. Broadleaf woodland further north resounds to the song of Caucasian Chiffchaff, Green Warbler and both Semi-collared and Red-breasted Flycatchers while the gorges and mountain steppe landscape nearer the Turkish border provide habitats for White-throated Robin, Finsch’s Wheatear, Menetries’ and Upchers Warblers plus many other predominantly Middle Eastern species which reach their northern limit here. The fishpond complex at Armash is renowned for its breeding populations of White-headed, Marbled and Ferruginous Ducks plus Pygmy Cormorant, White-tailed Lapwing, Armenian Gull and many others species; this area is also a magnet for migrants and is also home to a small colony of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters.
Armenia offer a unique mixture of European and Near East butterfly species and here occur healthy populations of some very rare and decreasing species. Many different habitats, situated in a spectacular natural scenery: from limestone gullies through high mountain meadows, riverbanks and forests to semi-desert habitats are inhabited from very rare and local species like Anatolian Fiery Copper, Turkish Fiery Copper, Caucasian Turan Copper, Romanoff's Vernal Copper, Pfeiffer's Green Hairstreak, Sovinsky's Green Hairstreak, Orange-banded Hairstreak, Hyrcanian Black Hairstreak, Odd-spot Blue, Pontic Blue, Diana Blue, Eastern Brown Argus, Loew's Blue, Alpine Green Hairstreak, Damonides Blue, Hubert's Blue, Alcedo Blue, Bosnian Blue, Turkish Blue, Gerhard's Black Hairstreak, Freyer's Fritillary, Persian Fritillary, Caucasian Spotted Fritillary, Transcaucasian Fritillary, Ionian Emperor, Amasian Satyr, Great Steppe Grayling, White-bordered Grayling, Orange Hermit, Eastern Orange Tip, Sooty Orange Tip, Saadi's Heath, Alcides Skipper, Aegean Skipper, Inky Skipper, Persian Skipper, Pogge's Skipper, Levantine Skipper, Tessellated Skipper, Reverdin's Marbled Skipper, False Marbled Skipper, Southern Swallowtail, Anatolian Clouded Yellow, Christoph's Clouded Yellow, Small Bath White, Bowden's White.
Armenia is the oldest Christian country and has rich history with many medieval monuments and monasteries, situated in a dramatically beautiful landscape. Also, offers delicious food and the people are exceptionally friendly and hospitable.

Butterflies and beauty of Armenia

Butterflies and beauty of Armenia

Monday 26th May - Saturday 7th June 2025

COST: 2 380 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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