
Why to choose Bulgaria as the destination for your Nature holiday?

Still unknown to many foreign visitors, Bulgaria is actually a green country with four mild, but well discernable seasons and very variable terrain. High mountains, deep gorges, untouched forests, rivers, broad plains, numerous cliffs as well as the sea coast are situated in a relatively small territory making the country diverse and interesting. Because of its geographical position and the different habitats, the country boasts one of the richest biodiversity in Europe.


Bulgaria has more than 460 bird species, of which 267 breed here. During spring it is one of the best places in Europe to see species such as Olive-tree and Paddyfield warblers, Semi-collared Flycatcher, Isabelline and Pied wheatears, White-backed Woodpecker, Masked Shrike, Rock Nuthatch, Black-headed Bunting, Levant Sparrowhawk, Eastern Imperial Eagle and Long-legged Buzzard, especially in such combination. Many other rare or hard to find species are easy to observe here - Rock Partridge, Hazel Hen, owls and the woodpeckers are just a few. Bulgaria is definitely the best place in Europe to watch Wallcreeper. Additionally most of the species breed here in considerable numbers and the population of one million pairs of Corn Bunting is the simplest evidence of this.
The second biggest migration route in Europe follows the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Every year hundreds of thousands of raptors, storks, pelicans, waders and passerines fly over it to their wintering grounds, making the observation of the migration spectacular and unforgettable.
The Bulgarian Black Sea coast is also the haunt of many wintering species. The Red-breasted Goose is undoubtedly the highlight of them all. In January and February almost the whole winter population of this handsome bird can be found concentrated around two small lakes in the northeastern part of the country. The observation of 20,000 Red-breasted geese is an amazing event for any birdwatcher. Bulgaria is also the most important wintering ground for Pygmy Cormorant which has good numbers here - up to 12,000. Other globally threatened species found in Bulgaria during the winter are Lesser White-fronted Goose, White-headed Duck, Dalmatian Pelican, and Spotted Eagle. Many other raptors, geese, ducks and passerines spend the winter months here.


The mammals family is also well presented, as 100 species are represented here, many of them by quite stable populations. More than six hundreds Brown bears and about one thousand wolves are to be found in the country. Many other species, such as Golden Jackal, Common Otter, Wild Cat, Badger, Suslick and others are actually quite numerous. Rare and difficult species such as Marbled and Steppe polecats also occur in very good numbers. Bulgaria has a uniquely high diversity of bats. Out of the 35 species found in Europe, 33 species are known to inhabit Bulgaria. The major reasons for the great species richness and abundance of bats are the countryпїЅs transitional geographic position, the mosaic of various habitats, the extensive farming activities in the semi-mountain regions, the high diversity of insects and last but not the least is the presence of over 5 400 caves.

Butterflies and moths

The butterfly and moth fauna is also considerable пїЅ more than 3000 species have been recorded, including 220 native butterfly species. The unique character of the Bulgarian butterfly fauna is determined by the number of Balkan-Anatolian and Balkan-Turanic species living in the southern part of the country, as well as more than thirty endemics and glacial relicts which occupy the Subalpine belts of the high mountains. The country holds important populations of several species restricted to Europe and considered globally threatened. There are many sites with well preserved butterfly habitats, especially in some river valleys and national park areas of Stara planina (the Balkan), Rila and Pirin Mountains.


Bulgaria has some of the richest flora in Europe: 3750 higher plant species and nearly 850 subspecies. Of special importance are the endemic and relict species which constitute quite a significant part of BulgariaпїЅs higher plant flora. About 170 species and 100 subspecies are identified as Bulgarian endemics. Characteristic and unique to Bulgaria are species such as Primula deorum, Lilium rhodopaeaum, Oxytropis urumovii, Betonica bulgarica and many others, most of which are concentrated in the largest mountain ranges. Balkan endemics number up to 300 species and subspecies. Among them are Pinus peuce, Haberlea rhodopensis, Sideritis scardica, Aquilegia aurea, Centranthus kellererii, Geum bulgaricum, Viola delphinantha and many others. Orchids, the most spectacular of plant families, are very well represented in Bulgaria - with 68 species. As well as the common orchids such as Early purple orchid, Green-winged orchid, Common spotted orchid, Fragrant orchid, Early marsh orchid, Red and White helleborine and others, a number of very rare orchids such as LadyпїЅs slipper, Violet birdпїЅs-nest orchid, Ghost orchid and others can be seen here.
So, two of the most frequently asked questions - why in Bulgaria and when - have easy answers. Virtually all year round the country can offer you an exciting wildlife or botanic holiday.

Wildlife photography

The beautiful nature with rich biodiversity and plenty of suitable, easy to approach sites make Bulgaria a great place for wildlife photography. Many of the photographersпїЅ favourite European species are represented by quite good populations in Bulgaria - the Roller, the Hoopoe, the Wryneck, the Bee-eater, the Golden Eagle etc.
Wild Echo already has a dozen of hides which provide excellent opportunities for bird and wildlife photography. We have run many photography tours and guided some of the leading European wildlife photographers.

Reptiles and amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians

Monday 12th - Tuesday 20th May 2025

COST: 1 440 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Birds and Thracians

Birds and Thracians

Thursday 17th - Monday 28th April 2025

COST: 1 920 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Bulgaria in Spring

Bulgaria in Spring

Tuesday 6th - Sunday 18th May 2025

COST: 1 950 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Eastern and British Raptors

Eastern and British Raptors

Sunday 18th - Tuesday 27th May 2025

COST: 1 600 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Via Pontica - Early Autumn Migration

Via Pontica - Early Autumn Migration

Wednesday 27th August - Wednesday 3rd September 2025

COST: 1 450 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Late spring botany

Late spring botany

COST: 2 750 EUR

Group size: 4 - 7 + leader

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Early Butterflies

Early Butterflies

Friday 18th - Wednesday 30th April 2025

COST: 1 980 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Butterflies of the West Balkan

Butterflies of the West Balkan

Tuesday 10th - Saturday 21st June 2025

COST: 1 920 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Scarce Butterflies

Scarce Butterflies

Tuesday 10th - Saturday 21st June 2025

COST: 1 980 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Butterflies of the Balkans - Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Greece

Butterflies of the Balkans - Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Greece

Tuesday 8th - Tuesday 22nd July 2025

COST: 2 550 EUR

Group size: 11 - 12 + leader

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Butterflies and Macro Photography

Butterflies and Macro Photography

Tuesday 24th June - Wednesday 2nd July 2025

COST: 1 680 EUR

Group size: 4 - 6 + leader

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Mountain Butterfly and Macro Photography

Mountain Butterfly and Macro Photography

Monday 7th - Tuesday 15th July 2025

COST: 1 750 EUR

Group size: 6 - 6 + leader

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